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5 Booklet on pension for people who have not always lived in the Netherlands.
How much AOW will I get if my partner is under 65?
Things are different if your partner is under 65. Many people simply assume that as a couple,
they will receive a pension for married persons, but this is not the case. Your partner will not
be paid AOW pension until he or she is 65. Until that time, you will be paid AOW pension at
the rate for a person living with a partner.
Supplementary allowance to AOW pension paid until 2015
If your partner is not yet 65, it is possible that you will be paid a supplementary allowance
to your AOW pension. Supplementary allowance will be discontinued for people who start
receiving AOW pension on 1 January 2015 or later. If your AOW pension will commence in
2015 or later, you will not receive any supplementary allowance.
The amount of the supplementary allowance
The rate at which supplementary allowance is paid depends on your partner’s income. The
higher your partner’s income from work, the lower the supplementary allowance. Part of your
partner’s income is deducted from the full supplementary allowance. If your partner earns
more than around € 1,150 per month, you will not receive any supplementary allowance at
all. If your partner has income relate to previous work, such as early retirement pension or
incapacity beneft, this income will be deducted in full from the supplementary allowance.
The rate at which supplementary allowance is paid also depends on the number of years of
insurance of your partner. The supplementary allowance will be reduced if your partner has
not always lived in the Netherlands.
How much AOW pension will I get?
AOW pension is not the same amount for everyone. The amount of your AOW pension
depends on whether you live alone or together with a partner. There are two types of pension:
Pension for single persons
This pension is around € 1000 gross. Holiday allowance is paid in May.
Pension for people living with a partner
This pension is around € 700 gross. Holiday allowance is paid in May. After both you and
your partner have turned 65, each of you will receive AOW pension for a person living with
a partner. If your partner is under 65, you can fnd out more about your pension below.
The amount of AOW pension is adjusted every year. If you want to know exactly how much it
is, visit the SVB website ( or (in Dutch).
Your AOW pension will change if you start living together with a partner or if you start living
on your own. Any changes in your domestic situation must therefore be reported immediately
to the Sociale Verzekeringsbank.
The pension amounts named in this booklet are those for full-rate AOW pensions. If you
moved to the Netherlands later, or if you lived outside the Netherlands for a number of years,
you will receive a lower amount in pension.
Learn more about this at the website of the Sociale Verzekeringsbank:
Or download the brochure ‘Wanneer krijgt u te maken met een korting op uw AOW’ (‘Will
your Dutch state pension be reduced?) from the website of the Ministry of Social Affairs
and Employment, ( This brochure contains information in several languages,
including English. Another source of information is the E-Quality website:
(in Dutch).