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3 Booklet on pension for people who have not always lived in the Netherlands.
Will I get a state pension?
How much AOW pension will I get?
Can I purchase more AOW pension?
Will I get a pension from my work?
What can I do if my pension will not be enough to live on?
If I die, will my partner get a pension?
Can my foreign pension be paid in the Netherlands?
Can my Dutch pension be paid if I live in another country?
If I die when living in another country, will my partner get a pension?
Will I get a state pension?
If you lived in the Netherlands before your 65th birthday, you will get a state pension. We call it
AOW pension. You will receive pension payments starting in the month in which you turn 65. AOW
pension payments are made at the end of each month. But there are a few points to remember:
• You only receive AOW pension at the full rate if you always lived in the Netherlands
between your 15th and 65th birthdays
• If you moved to the Netherlands after you turned 15, your AOW pension will be reduced
• If you move away from the Netherlands before you turn 65, your AOW pension will also
be reduced.
Every year you live in the Netherlands, you save up 2% of your future AOW pension. You will
receive AOW pension at a rate of 100% if you always lived in the Netherlands between your
15th and 65th birthdays (50 * 2%). It makes no difference whether you are Dutch or a different
nationality, or whether you worked or not.
You will not receive the full 100% in AOW pension if you moved to the Netherlands after
turning 15. For every year that you did not live here, your AOW pension will be reduced by 2%.
Yousef has lived in the Netherlands since he was 35. This means that he did not build up full
entitlement to AOW pension: he missed out on 20 years of insurance. Instead of a full-rate AOW
pension for a person who lives together with a partner, which would be around € 700 per month,
he will receive a monthly pension that is reduced by 40% (20 * 2%), giving him a pension of € 420.
How do I claim my AOW pension?
If you are listed in the population register where you live in the Netherlands, you will receive a
letter six months before your 65th birthday. This letter explains how you can claim your AOW
pension from the Sociale Verzekeringsbank.
If you want to learn more about claiming an AOW pension, visit the site of the Sociale
Verzekeringsbank: This site contains a lot of information on AOW pension.